Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A black page.

Valerie Wilson the CIA Agent "outed" by the Bush-Cheney Wehrmacht in retribution for her husband, Ambassador Joseph Wilson, telling the truth about Iraq's purported weapons of mass destruction, has just published her book: "Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House."

Valerie Wilson upheld her contractual obligation to the CIA and submitted her manuscript to the CIA's "Publication Review Board. According to the NYTimes, "That draft came back heavily expurgated. She was then expected to rewrite her book so that it made sense despite many deletions.

But Ms. Wilson and her publisher, Simon & Schuster, contend that much of the censored information is in the public domain — and that the suppression of information is itself part of Ms. Wilson’s story. So “Fair Game” has been published with the censor’s marks visible as blacked-out words, lines, paragraphs or pages."

Wow, portions blacked-out by CIA censors--shown in Wilson's book in living black and white. I hope these images in "Fair Game" become the lasting images of our government's evil and their attempt to cover it up--much like Nixon's 18 1/2-minute gap. Except, I'm afraid, our current regime has been much more murderous even than Nixon's.

BTW, this post is about advertising. Because whether it's politics or marketing eventually the truth will out. Don't lie if you are an advertiser. Don't say "unlimited" if you mean "limited." Don't dissemble. Don't mislead. You will be caught. And undone. Even if it takes a while.

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