Monday, March 10, 2008

Satires on the ad industry.

You don't have to be Jonathan Swift to satirize the ad industry. Mostly because the ad industry satirizes itself every day.

There was a good one in this week's issue of Adweek. On page 10 there is a headline that says: "New Business." What follows claims to be an agency scorecard--keeping tabs of pitch performance since Jan. 1.

This chart which delineates the net gains and losses of 25 agencies has a total of approximately $2.5 billion of new business won this year and only about 1/4 of that or $600 million lost. My favorite line item? Mullen lost $50 million of Lending Tree and Euro RSCG picked up Lending Tree worth $225 million. So the account grew by $175 million when the client switched agencies.

Ah, truth in advertising.


  1. We need more clients to switch accounts to keep the economy growing.
    Maybe we simply make deals with each other, swapping accounts.

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