Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The god of client comments.

This is a picture of an ancient "herm" (herm: a statue that has a human head placed on a rectangular pillow and is used for architectural decoration.) One side depicts the god of wine, Bacchus or Dionysus. The other shows Ariadne.

Dionysus and Ariadne aside, what we have here is the only known bust of Contradictus--the hermaphroditic god(dess) of Client Feedback.

One side appears to be giving direction from "the brand team." The other, from"the business unit."

"My name is Contradictus, king of kings:
Look on my quibbles ye mighty and despair!"

I'm working on revises now.


  1. worse than talking with split tongue is thinking with split head.

  2. worse than talking with split tongue is thinking with split head.

  3. worse than talking with split tongue is thinking with split head.
