Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Everything is on a slant.

After 13 hours on a Delta flight, 13 hours surrounded by the world's ugliest "branding" (branding should be distinct and ownable, yes, but it has no value if it is distinct, ownable and putrid). 13 hours where the logo slants upwards off the page. 13 hours where the type is on an angle. I have a pain in my neck (from slanting upwards) and a hole in my soul. Ugly is as ugly does and this is an airline that's surrounded itself with ugliness.


  1. Hey, you got there safely, didn't you?

  2. Are you looking on the bright side? What's it like?

  3. hey, DK spent like two weeks on a freakishly ugly ad I was asked to have opinions on twice a day. Not his fault, he didn;t invent this slanted crap, he just tried to infuse some sense of an idea into it.
    20 years ago, when i was far less experienced, and only half as good as i am today, but rather more cocky, i wouldn't even be nice enough to comment on work so ugly. Now i will. Verdict: It's ugly, boring,annoying, and most everything else negative.
    I reckon you realize we do some of it! And you're the ECD!

  4. Ha! I guess my irrational fear of heights just trumped my irrational fear of bad corporate identity.
