Saturday, January 10, 2009

The power of writing.

The New York Times upholds a pretty high-level of writing and the online Times (because it includes blogs and whatnot by some notable thinkers) surpasses that of the paper edition. This morning I read Dick Cavett's blog, "Talk Show" which was all about the art of the insult. You can read the whole thing here:

Of the many insult instances that Cavett talks about here are my a few of my favorites--brilliant examples of the ability of brilliant writing to touch people:

This from a book review: “The book? Once I put it down, I couldn’t pick it up.”

This from Winston Churchill:
She: Mr. Churchill, you are drunk.
Winston: Madame, you are ugly.
She: Mr. Churchill, you are extremely drunk!
Winston: And you, Madame, are extremely ugly. But tomorrow, I shall be sober.

And finally, the apotheosis, from, naturally Groucho:
Upon leaving a stuffy Beverly Hills party thrown by a socialite, Groucho said to her, “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn’t it.”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for adding the Cavett link. A wonderful read. I can think of no suitable insult.
