Monday, February 2, 2009

I just got an email auto-reply.

That said:

"For Monday, 2/2, I will be out of the office but checking email frequently. If your matter is urgent and/or timely, please indicate by using "URGENT" in the subject line. Thank you."

Reading this I wondered what you should put in the subject line if your matter is NOT urgent and/or timely. Right now I'm going with "Time Suck." Later on in the day I might change that to "Utterly Superfluous."


  1. Just like those funny exclamation marks in Outlook. They come in my inbox and shout, "urgent, urgent!" Later on, maybe during afternoon or following day I open the mail and wonder what so urgent about it...

    I'd say it tells more about the sender than about the contents of the email.

  2. ...please where can I buy a unicorn?

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