Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Niece's 12th Birthday.

Alexa, my niece, is having her 12th birthday party at my apartment because we have a pool in our building. This morning, in the rain, I schlepped some balloons home to decorate the party room.

I thought about this scene from Carol Reed's "The Third Man," in which everybody is waiting for the mysterious Harry Lime (Orson Welles) to appear.

If you've ever seen anything better, let me know.


  1. Brilliant, yes.

    I was lucky enough to see The Third Man on a big screen at the Film Forum. A whole different dimension than a 4"x3" screen.

    It's one of my favorite movies--large screen or small, and I could listen to Anton Karas' zither anytime.

  2. ohhh wowwwweeeeeee. forgot about this scene. reminds me, i need to own this movie right away!!!

  3. I haven't, and am fairly certain I won't. This could be the best film ever made. I've seen it at least 15 times. Need to make my 16th appointment.
