Tuesday, December 8, 2009

They appear like magic!

Woody Allen did a short film once called "Oedipus Wrecks" which was basically a story that involved Woody's mother disappearing in a magician's magic show and what happens when the magician is unable to get her back.

Today, like so many days the opposite happened.

Over the last few days (and nights) creatives have been going mad pulling work together for an 8AM meeting with the CMO. (Once you have a C in your title, you're no longer human and fear must be the motivating factor in every presentation.)

During those last few nights or so there wasn't an account person anywhere. If we had a German Shepherd and you tied a dozen pork chops to an account person, the dog would still come up empty. Get the point?

Then, of course, comes the meeting. Poof! They appear! All of a sudden more account people that you can shake a deck at. Account people smiling and gleaming like marzipan mannikins at the Happiness Factory.

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