Friday, April 30, 2010

No, it isn't.

BusinessWeek has an article today that claims "Your Office Chair Is Killing You." In fact it says that your chair is workplace "Public Enemy#1."

Fuck me with a Herman Miller, that ain't right.

Meetings are Public Enemy #1.
PowerPoint is Public Enemy #2.
Stupid requests are Public Enemy #3.
Capricious changes are Public Enemy #4.
Do-overs are Public Enemy #5.
Interruptions are Public Enemy #6.
Open plan seating is Public Enemy #7.
Babble is Public Enemy #8.
Jargon is Public Enemy #9.
Bombast is Public Enemy #10.


  1. The reason office chairs hurt so much is that they were not designed to acccommodate the knife in your back.

  2. The reason office chairs hurt so much is that they were not designed to acccommodate the knife in your back.
