Friday, August 27, 2010

Ad of the week.

Point one is especially illuminating. Click on the ad so you can read the type.


  1. There is no acceptable way to advertise this product. I vote for all feminine hygiene product managers to funnel their ad dollars into social. That way, women can chat privately with their girlfriends, which is the way it should be.

  2. They must have had a good laugh when they cooked that one up. "Hey, gals! If you want a raise, start with a douche." Ok, maybe that's a tad hyperbolic, but give me a break! Were women involved in the creative?

    --Ad Guerilla - not to be confused with the AdGorilla

  3. I want a raise, I'm going to get some.

  4. It doesn't take a genius to see that the douches control the raises.
