Thursday, December 2, 2010

A dispatch.

A writer friend writes:

"George, thanks for your note. Glad to hear things are well with the girls. Let me tell you what's going on with me:

"Yesterday I was locked in a room with clients. There were 20 of them and one of me. They said I was there to help them figure their positioning. I said, 'you're a Fortune 200 company. That's your position.' They laughed--nervously--and said, really, we have to figure out our positioning.

"They read off the positioning statements they had for their brand and their three sub brands. I said, 'you've basically used the same 100 words everyone else uses and mixed them up slightly differently.' 'That's why we need your help,' they said.

"The hours went by. I proffered freshly thought out language. Unexpected words that still described who they are. They regressed to the mean and rejected everything I had to say. I couldn't take much more so I offered to go off and write three versions for their review.

"It was the only way I could get out of there.

"The only good news was I was able to catch an earlier flight home."

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