Thursday, February 24, 2011

Approval stamps.

A couple days ago I wrote a post about an Approval Stamp I had bought from JWT/Atlanta who auctioned it off.

I have to say, the stamp is a fine thing. You can stamp a clean sheet of paper with force and it makes a nice inky imprint. Stamping is also a bit of a physical release.

To that end, I noticed there is space for only nine approvals on my stamp. That got me wondering, what would a 21st Century Approval Stamp look like?

Below is my rendition:


  1. That is disgusting and inaccurate.
    Everyone knows the CEO's kids don't talk to him anymore.

  2. Umm George, I think you might have forgotten the intern...

    Just kidding!!!

  3. Any room left on that stamp? 'Cuz I believe you've forgotten the VP of Twitter Communications and the Chief Facebook Officer (CFaO).


  4. You're assuming these people would actually approve something.

  5. @Dan - Someone's got to make sure you can get the concept across in 140 characters or less...


  6. Group Group Director. You *always* forget that one.

  7. There should be no line for a proof reader. Modern agencies do not have proof readers.

  8. But first you would have to get approval for the stamp...
