Saturday, April 9, 2011

But despite it all.

Despite it all, I still love advertising.
I love coming up with ideas.
I love great work.
I love taking something complicated and making it simple.
I love moving people.
I love the laughter.
I love the craziness.
I love the brilliant people you often work with.
I love the battles over work.
I love the pressure.
I love the fight.
I love the results.
There are plenty of things to disdain about our business.
Plenty of blowhards and know-it-alls and new-speakers.
Plenty of processes that advance nothing but some needle-dick's agenda.
But it's advertising.
And I love it.


  1. You'd never know it from your posts. Please don't ever become an embittered dinosaur like Bob Hoffman. you're an original..working bin a sweatshop.. But an original. Stay that way.
