Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dick Wimmer, 1936-2011.

There's was an obituary in "The New York Times" on Tuesday that's worth considering. It told the story of a writer called Dick Wimmer, "Whose Persistence Got Him Published."

Wimmer was determined to be a novelist. He submitted to publishers manuscripts for 25 years. He got more than 160 rejections. He ultimately laid claim to being the "most-rejected published novelist in history.

Finally, Wimmer got published in 1989.

I think about Wimmer because I believe seeing creative or creativity through is never easy. It takes stamina, heart, persistence. Talent and creativity alone are not enough.

I often say I know what Muslim heaven is like.
Whenever I create something we go through 72 versions.
Bad joke.

Giving up trying is the surest route to failure.

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