Friday, June 3, 2011

A new way of doing things.

Years ago I was going to be offered a job and the time had come to talk about my salary. I had a bit of an epiphany. I would ask for a moderate salary and per page remuneration for each powerpoint page I had to sit through.

Today I had a similar vision. Let's apprise assignments not by the creative we are meant to produce or the date the work is supposed to be live. Let's assess our assignments based on the number of client meetings it takes to reach some sort of tangible conclusion.

For instance, a print ad may be a "26-meeting assignment," a banner ad "a nine meeting assignment" and a brand television campaign or website build might be a "100-meeting job."

The beauty of this methodology is this: it acknowledges that what's important in the business is not the creative we produce to propagate an idea or a brand. It's the meetings we make.


  1. I wonder how many meetings it would take to get that approved by HR?

  2. "And in the end, the ads we make are equal to the meetings, we take."
