Thursday, September 1, 2011

Advertising lessons from The New York Times, 2.

With the exception of ten months I spent working at Hal Riney in San Francisco and two years I spent at Digitas in Boston (and in each case I commuted home on weekends) I've been a New Yorker my entire life. It wouldn't surprise me if my parents lined my litterbox with "The New York Times," when I was an infant. That's how big a part the Times plays in my life.

Maybe I'm being xenophobic, but I don't reckon there's another daily newspaper anywhere that brings as much, on a regular basis, to its readers as the Times. And to my eyes at least, the Times as gotten better in the digital era. There are brilliant videos, slideshows, and art to consider almost every day.

Today in a preview of this Sunday's Magazine, there's an article called "Iron Workers in the Sky" with brilliant "Louis-Hine-esque" photos by Pulitzer-Prize-winner Damon Winter.

No advertising point. Except to say beautiful, stirring creativity is all around you if you know where to look.


  1. I'm not afraid of heights, but this I couldn't have done even so. Noooo way. Beautiful.

  2. I watched the video link with steelworker's voices over the b&w shots. Brilliant technique.
