Thursday, September 8, 2011

The homestretch.

Since I started at my current agency I've done nothing but work on one account. And on that account, I have done everything, and at a fundamental level. I've worked closely with my client's c-level executives and now, after about two years, have figured out--with them--the 'story of their brand.' Who they are. How they act. How they'll present themselves to the public.

A little over a year ago I got a brief from the client to create a TV spot. That brief went through myriad changes and I presented probably about 100 scripts over the last year.

That's all drawing to a close.

Yesterday, I mixed four spots and a long form film. Today and tomorrow I am 'conforming.' Tomorrow, we ship the spots to the networks. They are meant to start airing beginning September 18th.

It's been a long, mother-fucking road.

Too long by at least half.

But I'm nearing the finish.

I'm not ecstatic over the spots. They were a lot of work. They suffered from a lot of compromise. I made a number of mistakes along the way.

That said, the spots are like nothing I've ever worked on. Every word, every scene, every nuance was picked over, dissected and over-analyzed to the point of atomization.

None of this helped the quality of the creative. It seldom does.

However, a particularly difficult client is happy--pleased with the work. As is, moderately anyway, my agency.

In any event, I'll post the spots after they air.

You can see for yourself.

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