Monday, January 16, 2012


I just heard a report on the radio about a test given to four-year-olds here in New York City for entry into "Gifted and Talented" programs. Only children who score at or above the 90th percentile gain admission to such programs. The moderator asked why. The interviewee answered "Because they're gifted and talented programs."

What's happened in the world is that today everyone is "gifted and talented."

The media team, who can barely show up for meetings much less contribute original thinking, are told they're the agency equivalent of "gifted and talented." They're told they're "creative."


Everyone is not gifted and talented.

Everyone is not a genius.

Everyone is not creative.

1 comment:

  1. You must work with a sucky media team, 'll trade you a creative pair who thinks all target audiences are pseudo-hipster NY art directors.They don't want to work on anything they can't enter into a competition and think sales results are meaningless. Creativity has little to do with department or title.
