Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's what I do.

Just yesterday afternoon around one,  I got an email from a friend I met through blogging. Was I ok he asked? Here it was almost three in the afternoon and I had posted nothing for the day.

It's rare that Monday through Friday I don't post something by ten or eleven.

I write Ad Aged the way a serious pianist practices every day or a long-distance runner goes out for a run. I don't feel right if I don't write.

Writing is what I do, I'm a writer. Of sorts, anyway.

For me writing Ad Aged has been an important aspect of my life. It's help me find both my voice and an audience. It doesn't matter, really, that my voice is sometimes inconsistent, that I sometimes talk about things that have nothing to do with the original intended purpose of my blog.

It also doesn't matter that my audience is small. Sure, I wish I had more readers--who doesn't? But a big readership wasn't why I started this thing.

I started this because I have always--always since I was a little kid--felt the need to write. Ad Aged fulfills that need. Also, I need the pressure of writing on deadline. I need the push, the demand, the accomplishment of writing my blog.

Of course, there are times when I think I should write less--and better. But I think I am sharper, more keen simply by doing things daily and quickly.

What's more, I started Ad Aged when I was unemployed. It was my way of saying to an industry that had seemed to have forgotten me that I am not to be forgotten. I am here. I am writing. I am doing what I do.

So, I write. Everyday. Or nearly so. Even when I am in Puerto Rico with my family for the next two weeks I will try to write.

It's what I do.


  1. And I thank you for it.

  2. I'm glad that you do what you do.

  3. Please keep doing what you do. It's always interesting.

  4. And I'll continue to read and enjoy it. Thank you.

  5. do what you want to do. and go where you're going to. think for yourself, and i will be there with youuuuuuuu

    (i know i changed the lyrics slightly to be more applicable)
