Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Theory and practice.

For longer than I care to think about, a gaggle of very smart theorists in my agency have been divining something they call a "content strategy." This deck will somehow show my client how to create, curate and publish content that people will actually want to view and pass along.

Their deck was beautiful. And 90 pages long. About 25 pages longer than Hemingway's "Old Man in the Sea." Which was a great book and a great John Sturges movie starring Spencer Tracy.

Believe me, this deck, even if it were starring Spencer Tracy would not be interesting.

We presented the other day to the client. Who in their fear-fueled and coffee-addled way said, "we don't understand."

So, for the last two weeks we've attempted to cull a 90-page tome into 40 pointed pages.

Still no go.

Last night my partner created four pages of content. With compelling headlines, interesting pictures and an organizational structure that can make our work replicable.
Which is the point.

Which leads me to this. An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory.


  1. Again, very thoughtful and provocative post. As a director pitching, I do not really see the value in writing 27 page long treatments for a 30 Second spot. But the production company expects it and so does the agency. I'd wish to have the balls to send in two pages max, really reducing all that gibberish down to the essence. But nobody would play along. *Sigh*

  2. In our town 30-ish years ago, Fred Schepisi (have a google) would occasionally tear up a 2nd rate script and send it back to the agency. When asked to itemise quotes he would tell the asker to bugger off - that his job was to deliver, not to justify. OK, he delivered mightily, but he also commanded respect. That he chose to work with you became a badge of honour. Is it time, Elias, to try some balls? Your example would be doing the industry a favour.
