Sunday, April 21, 2013

Judge by the cover.

Though still exhausted and jet-lagged from our almost 48-hour trip home from New Zealand, my wife and I were up early to take Whiskey to Central Park for her off-leash weekend romping. It was an absolutely perfect early Spring day in New York. The sky a vivid blue, the trees budding and various "Giverney" pinks, whites, lilacs and greens were in bloom.

On our way home we stopped to window-shop at my favorite bookstore, Crawford Doyle. In their window they featured a newly published yet posthumous book by Robert Walser, called "A Little Ramble." It's cover, below, breaks all the rules, yet it stood out amid the clutter.

Which just goes to show you, it always pays to "Think Different."


  1. 'The road was soft and in places very clean'. Isn't that a glorious sentence?

    There was probably an element of bravery in the designer putting forward that cover but, when you look at it and see it, how could you countenance anything else?

  2. From a biographical blurb on Walser at Amazon: In 1933 he abandoned writing and entered a sanatorium—where he remained for the rest of his life. "I am not here to write," Walser said, "but to be mad."
