Friday, November 8, 2013


Somewhere along the way a group of advertising theorists, also known (at least in my book) as dilettantes decided that emotional advertising was cooler and more effective than advertising that provides a rational reason why.

Much of what you see in awards books now marches to that piper. We have beautiful and empty imagery that could carry any logo at its conclusion.

I like rational facts.

I like rational reasons why.

I can add those things up and give myself an emotional benefit.

I am able to make smarter purchase decisions because I do my home work.

Feeling smart is an emotion too. It's not just about feeling cool.

Cars have become, for instance, parity products.

The high-priced Germans have failed to supply us rational reasons why they are better than low-priced Koreans.

I'd like to know if their steel is a thicker gauge.

I'd like to know if their seats are mounted more securely.

I'd like to know if they're better, not just cooler.

But no one tells me.

They treat me like I'm dumb.

Or worse, I'm too dumb to care.


  1. It seems to me the last truly great car campaign was the original Team One stuff for Lexus. Rational, but also beautiful and intriguing. Before that? Probably Ammirati's BMW work, and the great Volvo campaigns from Scali.

  2. To your point, using emotional advertising to sell a generic product is lazy and dumb.

    As someone who has marketed the metal, today's cars lack passion and soul. Honestly, can you discern one from the other without looking for the badge?

    No wonder the Millenials are reluctant to get their driver licenses, much less go into debt to buy a bland-mobile.

    Funny thing, my relations of that age all covet my 1969 Mustang convertible.

    Perhaps there is hope - if an OEM is smart enough to tap that vein. Oh, and if future cars are built as well as my Mustang, the ads could be smart as well. And marketing said vehicle would be a fun challenge, once again.
