Thursday, March 5, 2015

To the point.

The hardest thing in the world is to create something creative, unique, memorable and motivating. It's hard. It's a crap shoot. You can't predict when it will arrive. Or where it will come from.

You couldn't say to Philip Roth or William Faulkner or Joyce Carol Oates, 'write something great,' and be sure you'd get something great.

Likewise with Picasso. Or Van Gogh.

Or Kubrick. Or Coppola.

Creativity, like I said, is a crap shoot.

So the technocrats who have taken over the industry--rather than taking on the almost impossible job of trying to sell serendipity--have created various schemes and spent years formalizing those schemes and selling them as a surefire process that this or that communication will work because it follows our trademarked process.

Or that we "engage" consumers. Or have "conversations" with them. Or bring them "experiences."

It's all so much horseshit.

You never really know what's going to move people.

There's no process that will get you there. No trademarked powerpoint. No throw-a-switch panacea.

If it were a science, everyone would do it.

The only thing that really move people is things that move people. These things take time, experimentation, regular failure and usually massive amounts of money to create. And you have to deal with creative people who are often surly, irresponsible and surly.

99% of clients and agencies would rather not deal with it.

So they bullshit instead.

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