Thursday, March 23, 2017

Nobody asked me, but...

Nobody asked me, a tribute to the great New York sportswriter, Jimmy Cannon. When he could find nothing to write about he wrote columns of stray observations. 

....I don't care how cold it is, I don't understand wool hats indoors....

...Or women who wear ballet-style shoes in winter...

...Or lunch-time meetings where there's no lunch....

...I don't understand track changes. They are impossible to follow, ugly and invite no discussion...

...I don't think I've ever watched a talking-head video from start to finish....

...I don't believe data--especially data that says ads you've never seen are working....

...I can't believe Burger King has won "Marketer of the Year" at Cannes. It shows how corrupt the awards business is...

...Since agencies charge for all our hours, why don't we get paid for all the hours we work...

....What does a Chief Risk Officer do?...

...Why are all-agency memos always officious...

...And almost always 50% too long...

....Who fills out your timesheets if you die at your desk...

...The only one who looks good in a puffy jacket is the Michelin Man, and I'm not so sure about him...

....Why would anyone get their news from Buzz Feed....

....Why are the Yellow Pages still published....

....Do Ruth Bader Ginsburg's kids complain that she's too judge-y?...

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