Friday, July 12, 2019

Ten dumb questions.


When Agency Spy posts an absolutely awful commercial, did the agency who sent it in think is was good? Like these two posted yesterday?

If every customer-service call is monitored for “quality assurance,” why is their quality so assuredly bad?

Why do the executives most enamored with open-plan workspaces sit in private offices?

If 40% of Americans struggle to pay their bills, how can anyone say the economy is good?

Does it ever seem to you that about 95% of data visualizations are as indecipherable today as cuneiform?

And the ones you can actually understand make no sense?

Do you have the feeling that when 5G eventually gets here we’ll be subjected to at least ten more years of bad telco commercials replete with meaningless maps and claims of "blazing download speeds"?

And what are the odds that when 5G does arrive, 75% of your friends will live in places where coverage is “spotty”?

Isn’t it amazing how nobody watches TV anymore yet it’s all people talk about?

Haven’t you wasted enough time reading a stupid blog on a Summer Friday?

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