Wednesday, February 5, 2020

RARE and UNUSUAL WORKS of ART, artifacts, geegaws and bric-a-bric for connoisseurs and aficionados alike.

These days, during the greatest economic boom in the history of humanity (pay no attention to the 21% increase in our budget deficit or the $22 trillion that comprises our national debt) it seems nearly everyone and his cousin has an e-commerce site.

With this humble blog averaging close to 8,000 readers a day, why should I miss out on online Mammon? As they say in various commercials, it's time for me go for the gusto. It's time I made hay while the sun shines, and cashed in following  the Gospel of Online Prosperity.

So, the first, last and only "Ad Aged Collection" of fine merchandise. It can be exclusively yours. Call for details. Void where prohibited.

1. An Advertising homage to John Baldessari. On top, his "Tips for Artists Who Want to Sell, 1966–1968." Below, the Ad Aged version, for inadequate creatives everywhere.
The John Baldessari original. (Not available for sale.)

The George Baldisorry rendition. (Totally available for sale.)

2. As a life-long resident of New York City, like Alfred Kazin before me, I am a walker in the city. As I walk, I find myself remarking, 'There used to be a Chock Full o' Nuts' there, or 'That's where Colosseum Books used to be,' or, heaven forfend, 'That's where the Colosseum used to be.' They're all gone now, and sadly, nothing commemorates the important part they once played in our world.

For that reason, I've made the sign below for industry denizens of my hoary vintage.

3. Finally, the "Tempus Fugit Assortment of Fine Timepieces." Perfect for home, office, home/office or office/home use. These exquisite timepieces vary from running five minutes slow to running five minutes fast, because never, never, never should you ever get to a meeting on time.

The original works offered on this page are available for sale exclusively through this blog and can be ordered by phone or via email. Please allow four to six fortnights for delivery.

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