Monday, December 18, 2023

99 Things I hate. [1-33.]

1. Those online posts where people take famous comics, like Peanuts, and put fake words into a character's mouth. It's appropriation, it's desecration and it's a lie.

2. Id est, lack of fact-checking. When people say things like, 'no one reads,' or 'Barbie changed everything,' or 'gas under Biden is $8/gallon,' or 'Blank is agency of the year' without any scrutiny or examination.

3. Verizon commercials. 

4. Verizon commercials where 'talent' blathers about 120 words in 30-seconds, about twice what used to be accepted as ok.

5. Verizon commercials that feature people Christmas caroling. I'm 66-years-old, I've never encountered a door-to-door chorus.

6. The advertising trade-press, which has become nothing more than a 'bought-and-paid-for' PR organ with no investigative function. They accept everything and criticize nothing.

7. Pharma commercials. They should be banned, like cigarette commercials were. But the ad industry would go bankrupt.

8. Political commercials. They should be banned. They are not even subject to network approval, which means they can say anything with no backup required.

9. Commercials where people dance. Even if dancing is just moving fists side to side like trump dancing.

10. Local news promos which 91% of the time are blithering on about a tenement fire, the storm of the century, or the horrific bludgeoning of an eighty-year-old.

11. The inverse ratio of awards given and the quality of what's being awarded.

12. Anything that's now 'nacho-cheesier.'

14. People who avoid the number 13 because they're superstitious.

15. Stickers placed on grocery-store apples. A desecration of nature for commerce.

16. Automobile commercials where 'talent' refers to their car as 'my Buick SUV.'

17. Automobile commercials for vehicles with convoluted names like 'the Acura SJy67n' in which the voiceover then says, 'the first-ever Acura SJy67n,' as if that is something remarkable.

18. Rye bread without caraway seeds.

19. Sports seasons that are 40% longer than they should be. [Baseball: April 15-October 2.] [Football: October 2-January 15.] 
[Basketball: November 15-March 31.]

20. Daily emails from politicians who write to me as if they know me. And always needing money.

21. Agencies that trumpet diversity and then show photos of their new leadership team who are always all-white, under 33, unshaven, wearing the same clothing, all-male, and angry.

22. Agencies that think people need a new kids' book from an agency.

23. The idea that I would eat something called a 'Whopper.'

24. Articles that purport to be serious about Anderson Cooper, who purports to be serious.

25. Anything about the royals, who aren't worth a capital r.

26. Commercials that rhyme.

27. People who announce they're 'open to work.'

28. Elon Musk.

29. Elon Musk.

30. Elon Musk.

31. Gifs. Repeating something that isn't funny doesn't make it funny.

32. Companies that announce they're updating their terms and conditions.

33. Terms and conditions that are more than 20 words long.

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