Friday, February 14, 2025

Fifty-nine Spots.

Someone, not me, counted how many commercials were on the Super Bowl broadcast emanating from the racist, sexist, fact-denying auspices of the Murdoch-owned Fox empire. 

They said there were 59.

For professional reasons, I had to watch them all. 

But now we're about one-hundred hours post-game and I scarcely remember a single one. The ones I do remember, pringles' mustache and little caesar's eyebrows, I remember only because they sickened me.

Unappetizing. I don't like hair in my ultra-processed food. I'm funny that way.

It's hard to be an old person and not look at the $560,000,000 of media time (an estimated 70 :30-second slots multiplied by $8,000,000) and not feel that the work could have been better. 

I went through some of the hundreds of spots I store on my hard-drive, and picked roughly 59--the same number aired on the Super Bowl. (I probably pasted more below. Some of them are parts of longer reels.)

Never-the-less, you decide.

Did things used to be better?

Or am I just an angry old man?

Or both?

Probably both.

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