Tuesday, January 28, 2025


I went to the dentist on Wednesday.

Thank goodness my teeth and gums (despite a little recession) are in good shape.

The hygienist did her thing for thirty minutes. 

I saw the actual dentist for five. 

He smiled, said terrific, poke (semiotically) and left.

Since then, I've received about a dozen emails asking me about my "dental experience." Then they bid me to upload my answers on the dental practice's google page and write a review.

Service for 35 minutes. Then an hour's worth of survey requests.

The equation of modern humanity.

I ordered Chinese food Saturday night.

Before I could check out, I was assaulted with four different offers. I could ostensibly save $20 if I turned my information over to ____. I could save $15, if I turned it over to ______. I could save even more if I turned it over to ______. Finally, some bland blur of type tried to sell me a Chase Sapphire card. 

What a time to get a new credit card, when I'm hungry for some mu shu.

I was ordering Chinese food. But I feel like an assault victim.

Even Pastrami Queen, royal as they are, gets into the act. I was disappointed a kosher pastrami place spammed me--and without the royal We.

What's going on here is a bigger problem.

It's the problem of hate.

Yes, hate.

People are no longer people. 

They are victims. Protoplasm who exist only to extract money and data from. So you can assault them with more demands for money and data.

The victimization of humanity is everywhere.

The things you don't want--that haven't the vaguest recognition of your interests and your need--that invade your feeds no matter how often and how vehemently you attempt to hide them or block them. 

In the past week I have tried to expunged approximately 1000 exxxageratedly-bosomed women from my feeds but they come back with a vengeance. As does everything I attempt to block.

Blocking is a joke.

You are the victim of what the platforms want to blight you with. From politics to filth to fascism to toxicity.

The rule in advertising--I'm not sure if it was first said by Bernbach, Hegarty, Brignull or Abbott--was that we are uninvited guests into people's living-rooms. 

I amended that for our device era. Most often we're uninvited guests into people's palms or crotch pocket, whichever comes first.

Yet, we have less-than no manners.

Advertising, for all the blather about influencing culture, is a reflection of the larger world.

What we have today is the world-view of big, consolidated capital. 

You make. Consolidated capital takes. Then sells your information to thousands of others--so they can profit more and more assault can come your way.

You are not a person.

You're a piece of shit.
You're to be assaulted.
You're to be ignored.
You exist to feed me.
Regardless of your needs.
You're the source of my wealth and I can do what I want to you because there's no one to regulate my greed. And the plutocrats have no moral or ethical or kindness-oriented center.

Most advertising victimizes its audiences. When it should be helping its customers.

Most holding companies--in the way they treat their workers and their clients--are the same. The current agency practice of hiring masses of freelancers is a cost-cutting ruse. No more health care for workers. No more "brand knowledge" for clients. Everything but my $49,000,000 parachute be damned.

This is our world, our industry, our everything today.

We've gotten exactly the politics, too, and the pastrami we asked for.

It sucks.

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