Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Money, Honey.

These days, if you're into harrowing, and if you're alive and paying attention, you surely are, it's hard not to be worried about he chaos, criminality and perversion of norms coming out of trump's Washington.

I can't seem to remember where I read about "Emergency Money," which you can buy from Amazon's fascist-owned site for $50, but I quickly shelled out the ducats, and the book duly arrived at my seaside cottage on Thursday night.

I've pasted about twenty images below. I'll admit, I did a shitty job, neither squaring up the photographs or orienting them correctly. That's ok. And my lack of attention might add to the harrowing-ness of the images found in the book.

I don't know enough about economics to foresee Weimar level inflation in what used to be the United States. But when your nation is run by a seven-time bankrupt, a charlatan, a stock-market speculator and a band of thieves who will surely pillage government coffers while taking bribes at every turn, phrases like "sound as a dollar," will be more obsolete than ever. As will social services, things like healthcare, social security, veterans' benefits and everything that staves off societal collapse.

Below, you'll notice a lot of pictures of people shitting money. That's what it was worth. Shit. And a lot of devils, prelude to the Holocaust. And art by Otto Dix, which should warn just about everyone.

For those of you unaware of what happened 100 years ago as a prelude to Nazism, here's a bit to think about: A loaf of bread in 1922, in Germany cost 163 marks. In September 1923, it cost 1,500,000 marks and at the peak of German hyperinflation, a loaf of bread cost 200,000,000,000 Marks. 

We got trump due to ten-percent inflation. What happens when inflation is ten-million-percent?