Sunday, September 2, 2007

Yo Mama.

Yo Mama is so dumb she thinks "Linked-In" is an online sausage company.

Yo Mama is so dumb she thinks "flash" is something you do with a raincoat on.

Yo Mama is so fat she thinks she's part of the "new media landscape."

editor's note: Yo Mama jokes are a Labor Day special. They will not be repeated.


  1. Hey!! Here is some of my favorite yo momma jokes:

    Yo mama's glasses are so thick she can see into the future.

    Yo mama so stupid when she saw the NC-17 (under 17 not admitted) sign, she went home and got 16 friends.

    Yo momma’s so fat, her drivers license says, "Picture continued on other side."

    You should totally come check out this new site, – you can battle other people with your yo momma jokes and even tell them how whack their jokes are.

  2. Thanks. I was trying to write yo mama advertising jokes. not always an easy task.
