Wednesday, June 18, 2008


As a boy and a young man I spent more than ten years of my life in Latin class. I might not have loved it at the time, the odd teachers who washed out of seminary, the drumbeat of rote memorization and a that, but I love now that I was steeped in it. And not only for the vita brevis, ars longa Ozymandian aspect of it all. I loved Macauley's
"Lays of Ancient Rome,"

East and west and south and north
The messengers ride fast,
And tower and town and cottage
Have heard the trumpet's blast.
Shame on the false Etruscan
Who lingers in his home,
When Porsena of Clusium
Is on the march for Rome.

Thanks to all that rote and all that drilling and all those Seminary drop-outs, man of man, I can still conjugate and decline. I can amo amas amat with the best of them and hic haec hoc while the iron's hot.

What of advertising, you ask? Why this excursion, digression? WTF?

Well Latin helps my mood on bad days.
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