I am often met with rolling eyes when I roll out my vocabulary.
I read a lot—about a big thick book every week or so. I love words and study
them. I learn new words, delightful, vibrant, lusty words and I enjoy using
I know how to temper things depending on my audience. In
fact, I take great pride in my ability to simplify complicated processes or
ideas. If I use a large—or unusual—word in your presence, it’s usually because
I make the assumption if you’re reading my blog or if we’re having a
conversation you can handle it.
What’s more I am annoyed and exasperated by both the lack of
precision and the overuse of cliches and flaccid phrases found in most
communications. In fact, if I ran the zoo I would fire people for calling
websites “robust,” experiences “awesome” and anything “kewl.” (I would also
boil in oil anyone calling me “Bro,” even my brother, Fred.)
Language is my currency. I try to use it carefully,
surprisingly, attention-getting-ly.
Today I heard a story about language that really handed me a
pretty good laugh. It involved a phone conversation between an account person,
I’ll call her “Jill” and a client I’ll call “Wanda.”
JILL: Wanda,
what’s the matter. You seem a bit frazzled.
WANDA: There’s
a lot of shit flying here today and I’m feeling overwhelmed.
JILL: Well,
let me underwhelm you.
That’s all.
I’m done for the day.