Monday, April 9, 2012

Some thoughts on social media.

  1. ·      When someone says something is “hilarious” it isn’t.
  2. ·      Things that “will change everything” won’t.
  3. ·      Every video, even those that are around 30-seconds are about a minute too long.
  4. ·      If your life is so interesting, in god’s name why are you posting so much.
  5. ·      Why am I friends with so many people who can’t spell?
  6. ·      Statements like “Nothing is impossible, even the word itself says ‘I’m possible’” are usually ungrammatical and always stupid.
  7. ·      The update with the least consequence gets the most likes.
  8. ·      Social media is usually done all alone.
  9. ·      Most people expressing outrage online have no idea of the real issues.
  10. ·      Disney World isn’t any more interesting when someone else goes there.
  11. ·      I will never care when someone—especially your kid, scores a goal.
  12. ·      Anyone who announces the death of a loved one online should be in therapy.
  13. ·      Most cool “never-before-seen” film techniques were done better in the 1930s.
  14. ·      Old girl friends aren’t as pretty as they used to be.
  15. ·      Old girl friends aren’t as sane as they used to be.
  16. ·      You don’t have enough talent to shoot a chocolate cannoli so it looks appetizing.