Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Yesterday I was listening to a National Public Radio interview with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who was discussing the three Israeli teenagers kidnapped by the terrorist organization, Hamas. The report lasted 7 minutes and 36 seconds. At which point Netanyahu was rudely cut off and NPR went to their local feed, which consists primarily of traffic reports.

This morning on the same radio program, there was a report almost as long on people who can't clap on the beat. It included this quotation, ""Some of y'all don't understand that this kind of clapping is killing black folk. Do you understand what I'm saying? Killing us."

What's happened in our world is that we have lost our hierarchy.
We have lost our ability to say "that's important and that's trivial."
We have lost it in our daily lives.
We have lost it in our business.
It seems that often we put more time and resources behind doing a mobile ad than we do on a campaign of three TV spots.
I know we're all supposed to live in a politically-correct Valhalla where all people, things and ideas are equal.
I know that for whatever reason being told you're judgmental is today one of the great criticisms you can sling at someone.
But all things are not equal.
They're not created equal.
They don't influence equal.
They are not of equal importance, revenue, meaning.

As my kids would say, sorry I got all judgy on you.