I show up in the office before everyone else. When I have pressing
things to do—
like I do most days—an ad to write or a commercial to come
up with, I plant myself on my Aeron and face my keyboard and start pecking.
Earlier this week I had a bunch of headlines to write. I
settled myself in my seat and spun out 75.
Once the headlines were done, it was time for taglines. I
filled three pages, single-spaced, with lines.
When I get work like this, I become Old Iron Ass.
I sit as enduringly as Bartleby at his scrivener’s table and
I write.
I stay zeroed in on my screen. I get in a groove and type. I
type for hours without respite. I stay in my seat until I am done. No Facebook. No phone calls. Not even bathroom breaks.
Old Iron Ass will get it done.