Remember waiting?
It's what consumers used to have to do.
Oh, that was long ago.
Long before LL Bean, Amazon and the web changed the world.
So why is it that when you present fucking ideas to a client
it takes them about four weeks to say "yes"?
Years ago I had a fair amount of animus and conflict with a Chief Creative Officer who I thought was singularly lacking in talent but singularly skilled in pissing in my pool.
The CEO of the agency at which I was working said to me,
"Oh, don't worry about the CCO. He's just overthinking things."
I replied: "He's not overthinking. He's undersmarting."
My point is simple.
Is it good?
Or is it not good?
Make a decision. It's not exactly rocket surgery.
I remember the 4-6 week wait for my X Ray specs that I bought from the back page of my Spider Man Comic. It was brutal.
and ultimately disappointing.
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