As the creative head of my office, I have been asked by management (whatever that means) to participate in an "Office Evaluation." Here's what said evaluation is meant to do: "The Office Evaluation was established to apply a standard set of quantifiable metrics, consistent with our Agency’s Core Objectives, to executive performance reviews."
Now I turn to criterion 1 and I find this: Become a true global agency that is connected by a common culture and has the ability to work across boarders, disciplines and clients seamlessly.
work across boarders.
Does that mean I have to work across people boarding in my apartment? Or in smaller offices do we actually have people boarding on-site?
When I tell people what I do for a living, they always assume I'm a copyrighter. Makes me want to scream, too.
I think we should start a new organization called "Hucksters Without Boarders"
I also love "quantifiable metrics." As opposed to what? Unquantifiable metrics?
Unquantifiable metrics is reality.
The other bastard semantic affront I've been seeing lately is "the tenants of a brand." I guess they're kinda like boarders.
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