One of the things I never have and never will understand is wearing clothing that displays type across your ass. Asses have their reasons for being but I don't think those reasons include being a surface for reading.
Today I went for a run in Central Park and I saw a woman with UMASS festooned across her not insignificant keister. The UM was across her left buttock. The ASS was across her right.
Um, ass.
Truth in ass-vertising, I guess.
Bwah ha ha. My old school.
Where did I hear? Maybe in Andy Nulman's book Pow ? that some buzz-company does want to try out ass-vertising. "Only the most shapely butts," or some such.
We just had the name running down our leg on track pants. Back when we were supposed to pretend we didn't notice each other's tushes.
Not sure if that was a bad break or if U MASS
would have been a poor read for the unfortunate gal.
Then of course the Mass would be boldly across her Ass.
When you go running, you get what you deserve.
Sighting this AM on someone's tush:
(Not sure why someone would buy this)
I read that quickly as "dumbass".
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