Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The six word agency.

Ernest Hemingway, famous for many things, some of them pertaining to writing, famously created a six-word novel. It read, simply: "For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn."

That's pretty good, actually and has led to a bit of a cottage industry of six-word stories.

For instance,

Evelyn Waugh:
Lovely spring weather, bubonic plague raging.

Dave Eggers:
Found true love. Married someone else.

Margaret Atwood:
Longed for him, got him. Shit.

These got me thinking.

Could we reduce what goes on during a typical work-day to just six words?

Here are a few examples I've thunk up.

"Good meeting. Tweak scripts. Due tonight."
"Bad meeting. New scripts. Due tonight."
"OK meeting. Re-write scripts. Due tonight."
"You're old. You're grey. Good-bye."
"This weekend. Sunny, warm. You're working."
"The wireless. Down again. Email unsent."
"Open plan. Too noisy. To think.
"Big pitch. No brief. Good luck."
"One day. Fourteen meetings. Oh, well."
"Brief at ten. Check-in. Noon."
"Phone dead, didn't get your text."

"Salaries frozen. Too bad.  Smile anyway."
"Timesheets late. Threatening note. From India."
"Meeting now. Room booked. We'll wait."
"Food's bad. Over-priced. Small portions."
"Got deck. Didn't read. Too long."
"I'll talk. Over you. Every time."

"George, stop. Too caustic. You're fired."

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