There are many people in our industry--whole agencies, in fact, who talk about "interactive advertising" as if it were something new, something that's arisen over the last ten years or so.
When Homer (not Simpson, the blind poet and author of The Iliad and the Odyssey) created his epics, he created them as interactive pieces. He would dial up the role of characters and events according to where he was performing his art. Ithacans had bigger roles when Homer was in Ithaca. Atticans, when he was in Attica.
Somewhat late, I've just come across this feature on tabletmag.com. Tablet--this is a warning to the Goyim, calls itself "a new read on Jewish life" but you don't have to be Jewish to get something out of it.
Now for those of you who don't know, Yom Kippur is coming. This is the holiest day of the Jewish year, a day during which we atone for our sins. To that end I noticed this feature on Tablet's site. It's called "Sorry Sorry Sorry" and it is an online atone-athon. Here's how Tablet describes it:
"Yom Kippur is right around the corner, and we all have things to repent for. That, dear readers, includes you. Maybe you said something nasty to a friend, maybe you’ve told a little lie, maybe you stole $50 billion dollars and sent the global economy into a tailspin. Whatever it is, we want to hear about it for our new Daily Sorry feature. Starting in early September and running every day until Yom Kippur, we’ll run one reader’s message of atonement. (Or more than one, if we get lots. Or maybe not every day, if we don’t.) It’s very simple: call our hotline, leave us a short message saying what you’re sorry for (don’t worry—there’s no need to give us your contact information, or even your name), and we’ll run it on the site. And you’ll feel much, much better about yourself.
Ready to say you’re sorry? Call us at 718-360-4836, and tell us what you’re sorry for. We can’t forgive you, but we can make repenting more fun."
OK, this isn't whizbang interactivity with neato flash interfaces and drop-out six point sans-serif type that no one can read. But it's interactivity that is imbued with "the three U's," utility, uniqueness and umor.
By the way, I repented for having sex with Heidi Klum. It wasn't worth it, she laid there like a lox.
It was rather interesting for me to read the post. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.
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