Monday, July 3, 2023

Independence Day.

It happens with some frequency. And it happened the other day.

I got yelled at by Dr. Lewis, my therapist of almost thirty years.

That's not unusual.

Dr. Lewis yells at me.

Mostly when I'm being too needy.

Maybe that seems wrong to you. 

But I think it's right.

The toughest thing about being an independent agency or an independent person is learning the value of true independence. 

Relying on your brain, sinew and confidence. Not an adrenaline shot from someone else.

Dr. Lewis yelled at me because I had wrapped up a long-engagement with a Fortune 50 client and I was expecting a thank you.

He looked at me like I had two heads.

A thank you is nice. A thank you is human. A thank you is helpful. 

I like when clients say please and thank you.

But we can't expect niceness, humanity or help really from anyone but ourselves.

Youness has to come from you.

You have to believe.

"You got paid," he said to me.

"I got paid a lot," I answered. "I charged them what I am worth. Not many people could do what I did for them. Fewer would have the confidence to charge for it."

"That's your thanks."

Not needing thanks is thanks.

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