Friday, September 13, 2024

The End Slide.

I think it started with the rise of PowerPoint.

Another reason to dislike PowerPoint--as if we needed more.

But along the time agencies started presenting creative via PowerPoint, or PDF or Figma or whatever--along the time we started presenting electronically, someone decided to add at the end of creative presentations a concluding slide that read, "Thank You."

I can't imagine doing that when we used to present in person on foam-core. But today, every presentation seems to end with a page that looks like this.

I suppose life could be worse. We could, and many agencies do, end even more treacle-ly--with something like this:

Some agencies make matters even worse. They're so thankful, they're so exclamatory, they're obsequiously gushy. If you're kowtowing that much after a presentation, you're really bending over backwards too far.

I'm not suggesting for a moment that we aren't thankful for our clients and their business. But when you're showing them work, 
I'm not sure we should have to thank them for their attention and time. That's not "thanks-worthy." It's the nature of the relationship. It's part of the value exchange. 

I dunno. 

Any of these end-slides make more sense to me. Even if they would get me fired.

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