Friday, May 5, 2023

Reading George.

 Some recent reading and some recommendations. 

Trees. How they talk. How they walk. And why we ought to be kinder to them.

For as long as there have been women, they've been getting short shrift. The history of how one half of humanity is treated by the other.


Succession. About three-thousand years before it was a TV series. Bloodier and more internecine than the Sopranos.


The battles between the West and the East are still going on.


Gould makes Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken and Bernie Madoff look like Mother Teresa.

Your inability to focus is nothing new. Humanity has been bemoaning distraction for centuries.


However bad you think McKinsey is, double it. Then double it again. Then eighteen times it.


Why was the Latin scholar a virgin? When he was asked to conjugate, he declined.

Rough seas well-writ.


The top gods. The big stories. And the bigger ones. Things you should know.

An intimate look at how it happened in one tiny town in the Alps. 

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