Monday, September 30, 2024

Meet Simone. Meet Rachel. Meet NBZ. And Learn.

One of the absolute joys of the internet era is that it enables extremely shy people like myself to be extremely social. During the 35 years I worked within the bl
ack-mold-infested walls of various ad agencies, I probably went out for drinks with people fewer than 35 times. That's less than once a year--if you don't have a head for math.

While I was at Ogilvy, I never met Simone Oppenheimer Mandel who worked in new business at Ogilvy. But somehow, I suppose by dint of my Brontosaurus-sized social footprint we were linked in. About four years ago, Simone and her partner, Rachel Segall sent me a note and we set up a call. You know, to meet.

Simone and Rachel run NBZ, a new business, let-us-help-you-win-more-market-better-do-cooler-things-get-known-solve-problems-consultancy. Since we've met, I've followed NBZ's work, their successes, and their rise and rise and rise. I've done work for Rachel and Simone now and again--but more for the chance of working with smart, energetic, warm and funny people than for the money. A lot of people might not understand that motivation--but such is NBZ's power. You just feel better after spending some time with Rachel and Simone.

A few weeks ago, Ad Aged had a couple guest posts in the space of a week. NBZ whacked me across the metaphorical knuckles with a ruler. "What about us," Rachel and Simone asked. "Can't we write something for Ad Aged?"

Of course you can, I answered. 

And they have.

And it's here.

By the way, a lot of companies, agencies and brands talk a lot about Thought Leadership. In most instances, the phrase has the currency of Monopoly money. There's really no thinking in  the thoughts or leading in the leadership.

Like I said, NBZ, Simone and Rachel, Rachel and Simone aren't like most others. For instance,above is the Thought Leadership page of their site. Real, live thoughts. Real, live leadership. From two real, live mensches.

And now, their real, live wisdom. (This might be a C and S...Clip and Save.)


Here Are Ten Lessons We've Learned as NBZ


Hype. If you don’t believe in it, why should anyone else? Show up loud. Show up proud. This is how we built our brand and advise others.


Universe. Manifestation is real. Positive thoughts, clear goals, and specificity. The universe works with you when you work with it. That’s how we’ve grown—both in business and life.


Generosity. Believe there's room for everyone—even competitors. And always make time to give back. Building a network is about supporting, not hoarding.


Fail. Experiment fast, fail forward. Get things out there quickly, and don’t be precious. Speed beats perfection. This is how we move.


Innovate. Even when it’s hard—especially when it’s hard—break things and make things. Rebuild them better. Growth has no comfort zone, and neither do we.


Trust. Trust yourself. Trust your gut. Trust your vision. Trust your partnership. That’s how we’ve built a business and balanced families.


Act. Confidence is a verb. Act like you’ve already won. The world will follow. That’s how we create energy and optimism for the future.


Network. If you've built your network with intention and generosity, it will repay you a gazillion times over. The connections you nurture will come through when you need them the most.


Human. Be real, be raw, be human, be you.  It’s how we connect, build relationships, and acts as a natural filter or magnet for who you work with .


Oh Well. Not everything will go your way. Sometimes it wasn’t up to you, or you couldn’t find the time to make it perfect. Shrug, say “oh well,” and move on. Power lies in letting go. That’s how we’ve balanced it all.

Thanks, NBZ.

Thanks for being you.

And for being friends.

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